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A Bit About Us.  

Mere life is a luxury, and the color of the grass, of the flowers, of the sky, the wind in the trees, the outlines of the horizon, the forms of clouds, all give a pleasure as exquisite as the sweetest music to the ear famishing for it.

Mark Twain

Everybody has a story, and yes, yes we do.  But instead of words on a digital page we would love to personally share with you about our humble beginning.  Some of us here at Texas Land and Luxury got our real estate licenses at 18, some received theirs decades ago and some are brand new to the industry.  But who we are, how we do what we do, and what we are looking for is hard to put into words. We know there are other real estate professionals that are looking for a new home, want a fresh start, need new opportunities.  The real estate industry is not for the timid, but incredibly rewarding if you find your 'people.'  'Who we are' we can share when we sit down with you.  'How we do what we do' we can share when we are eye to eye. But 'what we are looking for?' Well, that can be simply put.  We are looking for professionals.  Not real estate hobbyists.  Professionals.  Ones that understand it's not about a 'showing or a listing' its about a connection. A connection with people, one that drives you to 'serve' your client verses 'sell' your client. 

We aren't about 'quotas' and 'qualifying commissions.'   We are about how you perceive those that have entrusted their most important decision to you.   We not only see, but we hear between the lines, we see beyond what is obvious.  We want what is best for our private clients, those that we call our friends. If you become part of our family at Texas Land and Luxury we are convinced you will too. 


If you are looking for a place that is different.  One that is driven by deep connections, relationships, professionalism, we just may be your 'people.'   There are no negotiations on commissions.  Everyone here receives the same terms.   No more wondering who gets what.  We have a very simplistic philosophy.  We share an 80/20 split.  No haggling, no negotiating, no wondering if you got the best deal.  No qualifying, no stress of annually starting over.  You still have access to all of our amazing marketing and digital capacity.  We just think the most important part of your attention needs to be the clients. We think taking the 'what if' of 'how much will I make?' out of the equation makes for a much more peaceful, enjoyable experience for everyone.  

If you are ready for a truly different real estate experience, where your fellow agents have the same servants heart as you, we would love to visit with you when you are ready.   Just give us a shout below and we will be in touch. 
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